NCTJ Diploma in Digital Features Journalism

Build your digital storytelling skills and craft compelling long-form stories

Keen to really get under the skin of a story? Train with the experts at PA Media Academy and develop a portfolio of features and long-form writing. On our NCTJ Diploma in Digital Features Journalism you’ll build your skills and understanding of how to deliver insightful interviews, revealing profiles, and stories that get people talking.

You’ll spend one day each week honing your features skills: learning from experts about how to shape brilliant ideas, pitch and get commissioned, structure your copy, write with flair and authority, and make compelling video content. You’ll work with editors with deep digital knowledge and commissioning editors at national publications, and learn from writers in staff and freelance positions.

For the rest of the week, you’ll focus on building core journalism skills – learning how to be a fair and ethical reporter who lands great stories, understanding how to get the most from digital platforms, and gaining essential digital video skills. You’ll study media law and ethics modules so that editors know they can trust you to work safely and with integrity, and build your knowledge of public affairs and politics so you can hold power to account.  You’ll also be working towards attaining 100 words-a-minute in shorthand so that you never need to worry about having missed a quote or a story.

Who the course is for

If you’re looking for space to develop your writing beyond news reporting, choosing a digital features route gives you opportunity to try new techniques and produce longer, more involved journalism. We’d love to hear from you if:

You read and consume media in all forms and want to develop your storytelling abilities
You are committed to building a career in journalism and prepared to work hard
You are ambitious and impatient to get your career started
You want to learn from experts with huge industry experience

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Feature writer training - woman writes at a laptop


  • 19-week programme of study at our central London HQ
  • Next course begins 2 September 2024



  • Fees are £5,563 for the 19-week course
  • Fees can be paid by instalments
  • If eligible, you might consider applying to the Journalism Diversity Fund

NCTJ Diploma modules

  • Practical Magazine Journalism – build your writing, editing and idea development skills along with an advanced understanding of digital storytelling
  • Essential Journalism – the basics of how to get the story and develop strong writing skills. No matter the role you’re aiming for, you’ll need to show these skills to get the job
  • Ethics – understand the code that guides journalists and discuss real-life issues
  • Essential Media Law and Court Reporting – this is essential for any journalist. The toolbox no journalist can be without, and every editor wants to know you have
  • Journalism for a Digital Audience – understand how digital publishing organisations work and how to write brilliant stories across all digital platforms
  • Public Affairs – understand how power works and how you can challenge it
  • Shorthand – develop the skills to write 100 words a minute

Your portfolio

Our training is hands-on and includes news days and live exercises where you’ll be tasked with interviewing people, attending a press conference, and covering a breaking news event.

Additionally, you’ll build a signficant portfolio of features and longform journalism through practical assignments and live magazine days where you’ll work to a brief and deadline.

Journalism careers

We have excellent links with newsrooms, magazines and broadcasters and understand what hiring editors are looking for. During your course you’ll meet journalists who are doing your dream job – and can tell you how to get it. We can also offer support and advice to those choosing freelance careers. After the course you’ll be able to join our alumni network and build connections with other PA Training graduates.

Multimedia training

You’ll receive video and audio training as part of your course – including extra training if you choose to study digital features – and will also build a strong portfolio of stories so you have a range of work to show editors when it comes to finding a job.

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Learning outcomes

  • Use different formats and approaches to write compelling features
  • Develop the skills of good storytelling and sourcing
  • Understand the code that guides journalists
  • Acquire essential media law and court reporting knowledge
  • Learn how to create excellent digital content
  • Build your shorthand speed to 100 words a minute
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What our students say

View all testimonials

Being equipped with an NCTJ Diploma does massive favours for your future, and the skills the course taught me are ones I lean on every single day. The simple fact is, I wouldn’t be where I am without that course. 

Alex Barker
, Videographer & Presenter
, The Athletic

Not only did I develop the necessary toolkit to become a journalist, but I also did so in an environment that fosters a real sense of community and personal career support.

Erin Waks
, Trainee Sub-Editor
, Daily Mail

I was able to count on excellent teachers and professionals who helped me push my limits and achieve my goals. I was impressed by the quality of the course and the motivation teachers put into it. It was a great experience and I would definitely do it again!

Laure Poncet
, Research Officer
, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

I learned to write concise articles and features, while developing my skills in social media, interviewing sources, and producing stories for an increasingly online audience. The course has allowed me to start a full-time journalism career.

Jonathan Moynihan
, Social Media Producer
, Forces News

What a great session we had on Communicating with Impact. Bridgid shared practical techniques to enhance and develop our communications skills so we can present and speak publicly or to senior stakeholders with confidence and impact.  I speak for my whole team in highly recommending Bridgid Nzekwu if you are after effective and fun communication training.

, Group Legal Director, Corporate Commercial & Compliance

The small class sizes nurture a comfortable environment where everyone supports and learns from each other. The staff helped me hone in on my writing skills and develop the confidence to feel comfortable on camera.

Camilla Foster
, Reporter
, Newsquest

Contact us

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