Bespoke Media Training Courses

Face daunting media interviews with confidence and poise, with bespoke media training from PA Media Academy’s expert trainers.

Media interviews can be intimidating if you are unprepared. Bespoke media training helps you to approach an interview with more confidence and prepare for difficult questions, so you’re always on the front foot.

You’ll learn from experienced broadcast journalists who are used to holding people to account, so you can develop your understanding of how journalists approach media interviews and plan how to best land the points you want to make, so you get your message across with authority.

Take our classic Bespoke Media Training course, or experience Studio Media Training for a realistic simulation of being interviewed in a studio. Crisis Media Training will help you be better prepared for the toughest scrutiny in difficult times.


We can train groups and individuals at your own offices or our central London training centres using our pop-up studio set up, or remotely using Zoom.

After learning the theory behind performing well in media interviews, you’ll take part in a series of realistic mock interviews that we’ll design in advance to best suit your needs. Interviews are recorded and then played back so you can work with your trainer on how to improve and build your technique.

Why train with PA Media Academy?

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  • Newsroom connected with national and international reach
  • More than 50 years’ experience training journalists and PRs
  • All courses are expert-led by working media professionals
  • Trainers have a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives
  • Small class sizes allow for practical, interactive exercises
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Media Training - A media training session with Bridgid Nzekwu with client PA Media.

Our Trainers

Our expert trainers are practitioners with a wide range of experience who are ready to help you take your career to the next level.

As the best in the journalism, content and communication industries, they bring first-hand experience combined with excellent training skills. PA Media Academy’s trainers are well-connected and reflect the diversity of thought and practice in our industries, ranging from professionals with decades of experience to practitioners earlier in the careers, at the cutting edge of best practice.

Meet the team

What our students say

View all testimonials

I made amazing friends, amazing memories and now it has led me to an amazing job which I never would have gotten without my time at Press Association.  

Holly Bishop
, Digital Reporter
, GB News

What a great session we had on Communicating with Impact. Bridgid shared practical techniques to enhance and develop our communications skills so we can present and speak publicly or to senior stakeholders with confidence and impact.  I speak for my whole team in highly recommending Bridgid Nzekwu if you are after effective and fun communication training.

, Group Legal Director, Corporate Commercial & Compliance

I learned to write concise articles and features, while developing my skills in social media, interviewing sources, and producing stories for an increasingly online audience. The course has allowed me to start a full-time journalism career.

Jonathan Moynihan
, Social Media Producer
, Forces News

Not only did I develop the necessary toolkit to become a journalist, but I also did so in an environment that fosters a real sense of community and personal career support.

Erin Waks
, Trainee Sub-Editor
, Daily Mail

It’s a great place to make connections – networking with teachers, guest speakers and fellow students can be key to gaining advice or even job opportunities during and after the course. 

James Saunders
, Digital News Reporter
, GB News 

Being equipped with an NCTJ Diploma does massive favours for your future, and the skills the course taught me are ones I lean on every single day. The simple fact is, I wouldn’t be where I am without that course. 

Alex Barker
, Videographer & Presenter
, The Athletic

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