How to Write Perfect Press Releases: Masterclass

Learn how to create effective communications that really stand out

This one-day press release writing course focuses on the essential skills you need to build a release that gets noticed for all the right reasons.

What you’ll learn: What makes news to press release writing skills

What makes a story news? How do reporters decide what to cover and where do they find stories? What determines which stories lead the news agenda or go viral? With insights from reporters and editors who are making the news, you’ll learn how journalists think and reveal the secrets of their decision making – helping you develop your own “nose for news”.

You’ll know that journalists receive hundreds of emails a week – we’ll focus on building your press release writing skills so you can make yours stand out. We’ll share tips from editors whose inboxes are constantly overflowing and give you a clear understanding of how to craft eye-catching subject lines and opening paragraphs. You’ll go home with a checklist to use before hitting send in the future.

Building on this knowledge, we’ll then spend time refining your writing and approach. You’ll learn about the power of quotes – including how to get the best ones and the best way to present them – as well as insight into why journalists love case studies. And you’ll receive tips for navigating projects with multiple stakeholders and how to effectively modify your pitches for different audiences.

How you’ll learn

This three-module press release writing course will be led by an excellent trainer and practitioner who will share their practical expertise through presentations, discussion and practical exercises – ensuring you have opportunity to reinforce your learning and test your understanding.

Who the course is for

This course is for you if you want to level-up your press release skills and steal a march on the opposition. It’s for anyone who wants their work to have more impact and cut through. We also offer half-day versions of this course – Writing Perfect Press Releases 1 and Writing Perfect Press Releases 2.

We currently offer this course as bespoke training for teams and can deliver it remotely, or in your offices. Get in touch using the button below to discuss times and dates, as well as how we can tailor it to your needs. 

If you’re booking for yourself, find all of our scheduled courses here


What Makes News?

  1. What makes a news story
  2. News sources and demographics
  3. ‘Hard’ and ‘soft’ news
  4. Recognising fact and opinion
  5. Knowing your audience

Press Release Fundamentals

  1. What is a press release for?
  2. Toplines: getting on the news agenda
  3. Headlines, intro and structure
  4. Principles of clarity and style
  5. How to edit a press release

Advanced Press Release Writing

  1. Using quotes and case studies
  2. Writing for multiple audiences
  3. Notes to editors, images, extras
  4. Managing different stakeholders
press release writing course - delegate at a kepboard

How to Write Perfect Press Releases: Masterclass

Learn how to create effective communications that really stand out

Get in touch

What our students say

View all testimonials

I made amazing friends, amazing memories and now it has led me to an amazing job which I never would have gotten without my time at Press Association.  

Holly Bishop
, Digital Reporter
, GB News

The methods and techniques you learn (and apply) on a daily basis through teaching, coursework and eventually exams crop up again and again in both job applications and jobs themselves – the course content is directly relevant to the realities of the industry. 

James Saunders
, Digital News Reporter
, GB News

What a great session we had on Communicating with Impact. Bridgid shared practical techniques to enhance and develop our communications skills so we can present and speak publicly or to senior stakeholders with confidence and impact.  I speak for my whole team in highly recommending Bridgid Nzekwu if you are after effective and fun communication training.

, Group Legal Director, Corporate Commercial & Compliance

The staff truly go above and beyond, providing detailed feedback, a wealth of knowledge and many career opportunities. I’d recommend the course to any budding journalist. You’ll have fun, too!  

Erin Waks
, Trainee Sub-Editor
, Daily Mail

The team is flexible, slick, well-resourced and overall simply first class. Their expertise and knowledge have been invaluable. I was delighted with our choice, so I’d have no hesitation in recommending them

Prostate Cancer UK
, Head of External Relations

My time at PA Training was a whirlwind of fun and excitement. The full-time NCTJ course in London is fast-paced and hard work but perfectly sets you up for what to expect in a reporter role.

Camilla Foster
, Reporter
, Newsquest

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