Feature Writing Essentials: Building great ideas

Learn how to develop and refine brilliant ideas, and the secrets of a well-structured feature

This four-hour feature writing course focuses on helping you write engaging copy that need less editing.

What You’ll Learn: Generating ideas to using quotes and adding colour

What makes a great feature? How do you come up with ideas and successfully pitch them to editors? We’ll discuss how the best in the business conjure concepts that keep you reading to the end, equip you to think critically while assessing the current features landscape, and help you build a toolkit for developing winning ideas. You’ll take part in brainstorming and pitching sessions that will leave you feeling inspired.

Working as a group, you’ll examine what makes a great feature before we take you through the key principles of feature writing, from how to write engaging introductions to the art of weaving in quotes. You’ll learn how using case studies can bring complex topics to life and how snippets of colour can elevate your work.

How you’ll learn

This two-module course will be led by an experienced editor and trainer who will share their practical expertise through presentations, discussion and practical exercises – ensuring you have opportunity to reinforce your learning and test your understanding. As feature writing can often be a relatively solitary exercise, we lean into the opportunity to bring people together to discuss their experiences.Who the course is for

Who this course is for

This course is for you if you want to build a features toolkit of skills and knowledge that will elevate your ideas and writing. You should have professional writing experience. You may wish to follow this course with Features Writing Advanced which focuses on interviewing skills and telling complex stories

We currently offer this course as bespoke training for teams and can deliver it remotely or in your offices. Get in touch using the button below to discuss times and dates, as well as how we can tailor it to your needs. 

If you are an individual looking for training, you can find all our scheduled courses here


Generating Brilliant Ideas

  1. Exploring feature formats
  2. Generating features ideas
  3. Developing your idea
  4. Regular and returning features
  5. Build your own ideas – practical workshop

Feature Writing Fundamentals

  1. Structuring your story
  2. The intro: from scene-setting to drop intro
  3. Establishing tone of voice
  4. Sourcing and using quotes
  5. ‘Colour’ and what it constitutes

Feature Writing Essentials: Building great ideas

Learn how to develop and refine brilliant ideas, and the secrets of a well-structured feature

Get in touch

What our students say

View all testimonials

The staff truly go above and beyond, providing detailed feedback, a wealth of knowledge and many career opportunities. I’d recommend the course to any budding journalist. You’ll have fun, too!  

Erin Waks
, Trainee Sub-Editor
, Daily Mail

My time at PA Training was a whirlwind of fun and excitement. The full-time NCTJ course in London is fast-paced and hard work but perfectly sets you up for what to expect in a reporter role.

Camilla Foster
, Reporter
, Newsquest

The teaching I received was second to none and despite having no experience whatsoever in journalism, the tutors made sure there was a friendly environment where I felt welcome to ask any questions I needed. I was able to finish the course and go into a job working for The Sun.

Olivia Allhusen
, Junior Journalist
, The Sun

The methods and techniques you learn (and apply) on a daily basis through teaching, coursework and eventually exams crop up again and again in both job applications and jobs themselves – the course content is directly relevant to the realities of the industry. 

James Saunders
, Digital News Reporter
, GB News

I learned to write concise articles and features, while developing my skills in social media, interviewing sources, and producing stories for an increasingly online audience. The course has allowed me to start a full-time journalism career.

Jonathan Moynihan
, Social Media Producer
, Forces News

The lifelike interview settings and tasks that PA Media Training deal in replicate perfectly the real-world feel of a tough media interview and help the delegates come out of the day feeling much more confident that they can play an active role in representing their organisation.

Transport for London
, Director of Communications & Corporate Affairs

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